Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Schoen, zu Hause zu sein!

Schoen warm ist es hier ... der Sommer ist noch da!

Aber danach setzte dann auch wieder Regenwetter ein. Heftiger ergiebiger Regen, der auch fuer ueberflutete Strassen in Happyfield sorgte!

Nichtsdestotrotz, Brisbane stand auf dem Ausflugsplan!

Wie immer ein Spaziergang am Brisbane River in South Bank!

der Regenwaldbereich

die Lagune zum Baden ... wurde auch genutzt

eine Frangipani mit reichlich Blueten

Wasserspiele fuer kleine und grosse Kinder

Diesmal auch ein Foto von meinem Lieblingstier:

was lugt denn dort hervor?

Richtig, das Riesenrad von Brisbane.

und ich bin am eigentlichen Ziel:

am Lyric Theatre - zusammen mit der Bribie Island Gruppe zum Ballett Schwanensee.

Wunderschoene Musik - tolle Buehnenbilder - ja, und vor allem tolle Taenzer und Taenzerinnen.

Queensland: ich bin wieder da! Ich bin wieder zu Hause!

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

Valentine's Day

A little bit late, but:

Happy Valentine's Day!

... and as every year, it's my birthday!

So, Sofie, Kathy, Simone and Ann came along

Sigfried and Neal joined us ... of course Uwe

Rob, Ann's husband, also spent some time with us

The 4 boys had fun

but Simon and the girls as well

and, in the late afternoon, Robyn made it as well!

It's nice to have birthday: look all the lovely cards and presents!

Thanks all for the wonderful company!

Montag, 25. Februar 2013

The last hour(s)

My sister Margaret and my mum gave me a lift to the airport:

Matthias came

and Stefan, Yasmine and Emily as well!

Time for the last hugs!

There they are .... good-bye my dears! and particularly, good-bye little Emily! You are so gorgeous!
And growing so fast ....> it was already a huge difference comparing the first week of my stay and the last week.
I liked to tell her all the things, we will be doing next time, when we see us again!

The Emirates aircraft waiting for me:

Sitting inside ... a window seat, as I like it.

Bye bye Germany!

Next stop was Dubai ... again a nice window seat for me.

The terminals at Dubai needed some maintenance ...

the height required abseiling!

And finally, after 18 hours in the air, I approached Queensland

green and well filled dams and rivers ...

the Gateway Bridge in Brisbane

Uwe and Sigfried gave me a warm welcome, my friend Robyn as well!

Sigfried had a nice car .... wow!

...and Uwe unpacked the small parcel from Finnja.

And I changed from wintertime back to summertime,
left family and friends in Germany,
to greet and meet now family and friends in Australia!

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

Time to say good-bye

This young lady invited us for a brunch:

okay, this is the whole family who invited us:

Yasmine's parents Maike and Volker picked us up in Wedel for the lift to Hamburg.
When we arrived, we saw a lovely babysitter:

but then Emily was put to sleep a little bit

The dining table was nicely decorated

and the plates with the beautiful German sausage, cheese, salmon, as well.

We enjoyed everything.

Our son Matthias enjoying the nice food

as we all did.

Marius, Margaret's eldest son, joined in for dinner at my mum's place

Finnja was busy packing small parcels

and she was a little bit sad that time was running so fast .... (me too)

And as it was again beautiful dry winter weather, I made a final lap along the river Elbe:

And I said Good-bye to Wedel: