Dienstag, 27. März 2012

Out and about in Wedel

We had a wonderful dinner at my mum's placewe all enjoyed it, as well as the ice cream as dessert
For an afternoon walk we stopped herelooking for a carparkit's the Church where Stefan and Yasmine will be married shortlya walk around
the back of the churchsurrounded by a nice park

On the way to Volker and Maike, Yassy"s parents, we passed this house full of solar panels ... quite common these days

and again and again: Uwe playing with Finnja
assisting her a little bitand there she isdancing on the table and jumpingand resting

And the sunshine invites us to walk along the river Elbe
but it's only 15 degrees, so we have a stop for a Hot Wine, Hot Chocolate and Coffee, sitting on the blankets which are provided by the Bistro!
We have a wonderful time here! In the meantime, being out and about, we met also little Luca, Uwe's brother Klaus, as well as Aunt Rosie, cousin Monika .... it's a long long list!

Happy Birthday!

Today it's birthday time! All our grandkids have birthday today!We start with Finnja, our little grand daughter turning to 4:
a beautiful Hello Kitty Lamp from her Dad and Yasmine
a doll house from her mum a nice birthday cake from her mate downstairs
and playtime outsidewith her granddadand of course: using the scooter from her grandparents
Later: we drove to our grandson Marcel, turning 11 years today He loves Australian T-shirts!What a wonderful occasion for us to join our grandkids at their birthdays!

Sonntag, 25. März 2012

Where are we?

On the way to South Africa and Germany: here in Brisbane, with Siggi and RobynWhere are we now?Nice green gardens and plants? Of course, it's the airport in Singapore!And here?: Abu Dhabiand now?: yes Frankfort, after 22 hours in the air!A surprising welcome in Frankfort by our son Stevi!and Uwe is happy too!Why?:
as this is our car for the next four weeks!and arrival at our final destination: Hamburg
Where next?: ah, Greek Restaurant
It was Joerg's (Uwe's nephew) birthday this week ...
celebrating with his granny and mum and wife Tanja

brother-in-law Dieter with Tanja: it's her birthday today!So congratulation and: first two birthday partys done! Now: walking homenext visitor: a young man on motorbike!
It's Matthias!
big hug!!!
Just great to be back! Wedel is a small town, so we met also my mum, brother Otto and wife Irmtraut as well as our Yassy and my sister Margaret and Melanie, Uwe's aunt Rosie with Heini .... and our friend Bernd who came for a short visit!

Dienstag, 20. März 2012

Schon wieder

eine Party .... wir haben viel Spass mit unseren Freunden, diesmal purzelten die Geburtstage nur so ....mit Ann, Cathy, Neal, Heather, Robyn - Julie musste mit Kruecken kommen
tat aber der guten Laune keinen Abbruchsowie Amelia (im Hintergrund Uwe)als auch Lester (hier mit seiner Lorraine)sowie mit Tami und Sofie trafen wir uns zum gemeinsamen Lunch in froehlicher Runde!: Geburtstag(e) feiern und Abschied .... Robyn macht eine Kreuzfahrt Richtung Suedafrika .... Unterdessen wartete diese suesse Bande schon gespannt .....auf dass sie in unsere Koffer kommendenn mit diesem bluehenden Strauch verabschieden wir uns ebenfalls in den Urlaub und damit in den Fruehling in ...
... die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ..... jedenfalls geht es demnaechst los! Wir freuen uns!