Montag, 30. März 2015

Happy Days Caboolture Bus Tour Part 4

13th March 2015,
Another scenic drive along the Gosford water front, and Brisbane Water NP.
Water not only in lakes and rivers, but also from above: a little bit rainy, today.
After an 90 minutes ride, we reached Mangrove Creek Dam,

 and were lucky: it stopped raining during our morning tea!

 On the way back to the coast, we passed along the Yarramalong Valley,
stopped at Something Anything:

 and reached Entrance: with lots of .... pelicans
 For Queenslander, it was freezing cold ....
 but we had our lunch under cover
 and were again lucky: it stopped raining for a nice walk along the lake/river/Tasman Sea

 Far away, we spotted already the Norah Head Lighthouse,
the most easterly point on Central Coast.

 an ocean pool

 a beautiful playground .... but Emily was far away at home

 and we reached the Norah Head Lighthouse

 and the bus took us to Terrigal, a nice little township with beautiful nature surrounding:

 We had only 10 minutes left for running up and down the lookout hill:

 done!  phhhhh
 and Ann did it!

 Quick some photo shots ....
 and racing downhill, doing some gentle stretching

Back at the motel, we had a lovely Italian dinner.

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