On the way to South Africa and Germany: here in Brisbane, with Siggi and Robyn

Where are we now?

Nice green gardens and plants? Of course, it's the airport in Singapore!

And here?: Abu Dhabi

and now?: yes Frankfort, after 22 hours in the air!

A surprising welcome in Frankfort by our son Stevi!

and Uwe is happy too!

as this is our car for the next four weeks!

and arrival at our final destination: Hamburg

Where next?: ah, Greek Restaurant

It was Joerg's (Uwe's nephew) birthday this week ...

celebrating with his granny and mum and wife Tanja

brother-in-law Dieter with Tanja: it's her birthday today!

So congratulation and: first two birthday partys done! Now: walking home

next visitor: a young man on motorbike!

It's Matthias!

big hug!!!

Just great to be back! Wedel is a small town, so we met also my mum, brother Otto and wife Irmtraut as well as our Yassy and my sister Margaret and Melanie, Uwe's aunt Rosie with Heini .... and our friend Bernd who came for a short visit!
However, unfortunately, Yes the visit was too briefly I have been glad, nevertheless, and once more many thanks for the brought things. A lot of fun in old Germany
AntwortenLöschenSee ya
Bernd and Kerstin
Es ist toll, euch "life" zu sehen und zu schnacken!! Jetzt braucht die Zeit nicht sooo schnell zu gehen...
AntwortenLöschenBussi Sisterli
Na, tolle Bilder - "gut", die Baeume zwar noch ziemlich kahl, aber wie ich sehen kann, volle Sonne ! Wirklich eine tolle Ueberraschung am Airport Frankfurt, ja so ist unser Stefan eben ! Toll ! Das Auto ist hier der Holden "Cruze", den hat AVIS auch in seiner Rental - Flotte > nicht schlecht ! Na, dann allzeit GUTE FAHRT und viel Spass weiterhin in Good old Germany ! Gruss QLD SIGGI