We had a wonderful dinner at my mum's placewe all enjoyed it, as well as the ice cream as dessert
For an afternoon walk we stopped herelooking for a carparkit's the Church where Stefan and Yasmine will be married shortlya walk around
the back of the churchsurrounded by a nice park
On the way to Volker and Maike, Yassy"s parents, we passed this house full of solar panels ... quite common these days
and again and again: Uwe playing with Finnja
assisting her a little bitand there she isdancing on the table and jumpingand resting
And the sunshine invites us to walk along the river Elbe
but it's only 15 degrees, so we have a stop for a Hot Wine, Hot Chocolate and Coffee, sitting on the blankets which are provided by the Bistro!
We have a wonderful time here! In the meantime, being out and about, we met also little Luca, Uwe's brother Klaus, as well as Aunt Rosie, cousin Monika .... it's a long long list!
Scheint ja wirklich noch "kalt" zu sein, wenn ich euch da so draussen sitzen sehe > geradezu richtig "eingemummelt". Die Kirche sieht gut aus, ist ja nun nicht mehr lange hin > hoffentlich mit viel Sonne ! Ja, das sieht man, Mutters Essen mal wieder sehr lecker - haette gerne mit gegessen.
AntwortenLöschenMit Gruss aus Morayfield, euer SIGGI
Hoffe ihr habt schönes Wetter,hier ist zwar Sonne aber sehr kalt und windig.Wünschen Euch eine schöne Zeit in Wedel