We enjoyed the warmer weather .....
Almost every second day we picked up our little granddaughter ...
and got lots and lots of "I've missed you so much"-kisses

We joined our old skittling group and had lots of fun:
We visited our old living area and spent couple of hours with Ellen and Willi:

and we had coffee with Uwe's brother Klaus and Helga:
We joined our friends Elfie and Bernd for a walk in Hamburg:
We enjoyed an evening with Michael and Sandra, and Luca:
We noticed: time is running fast!
Hoffe ihr hattet eine schöne Zeit dort gehabt,im alten Land muß es ja jetzt toll aussehen.Hier regnet es mal wieder und es ist sehr schwül.Hoffe ihr habt es dort drüben besser mit der Sonne als wir hier.
Bernd und Kerstin