spring time in Hamburg .... but
sitting in the living room with TV on?
That is really strange! TV on at my mum's home when we are there?

Yes, because she needs some assistance with regard to Videotext

... and all is good!

And it's time for a walk in Hamburg 
viz. in the forest Kloevensteen

it's cold outside

but we brave the weather

like the ducks

and the wild pig


an owl's back

and the owl's front

What is nice after a walk? Yeah, dining in ...

and the heaters are on .... so we can enjoy the meal!

Nach dem Tiergehege wollte ich schon mal nachfragen um was es sich da handelt,ok jetzt durch die Bilder weiß ich das.Hoffe ihr habt es wieder warm in QLD,hier soll es ja am wochenende auch hoch gehen,wurde ja auch mal Zeit.
Bernd und Kerstin